Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So in genetics, we've been talking about how DNA is much like the recipe that controls what your body looks like. More accurately, your DNA encodes a genotype, which determines your phenotype, or what you see. To explore this concept, we took a dip in the Re-Bop gene pool and built our own (delicious) organisms. Don't worry, the energy in them was successfully recycled into the great circle of life -- that is, we at them. Take a look at the variation in the organisms due to different alleles for the same gene!


Mice in a maze -- Classic stuff!
There were GOATS!
Searching for "blood" with a blacklight at a "crime scene!"
Blood Splatter Analysis!

GOSH it's been a while since I've posted here, but better late than never, I suppose. The illustrious Groton Science Department recently presented our second annual Science Night, and it was a smashing success! Everyone that attended had nothing but glowing remarks about the evening. I'm already looking forward to next year, and bigger and better things! Check out a few of the pictures that we took.
A project about the benefits of hemp!